Sunday, November 9, 2014

                 Amiri's Baraka views on the Blues

      Jazz is derived from the Blue's, which traces back to Native American culture and music. It originated as a result of slavery.  Religious negro music also originates from African music. The music of second generation of slaves yields "work songs" that links to pure African music and was greatly influenced by the Euro American culture in which they lived in. This American culture restricted the use of drums and certain themes in the negro music, to have further control of their attitudes. Regardless, the songs were sung in silence, and in their own dialect which was incomprehensible to their masters/Americans.  However with new slaves being born into the American Society, their since of self and meaning of old songs became meaningless.  Slaves adopted the language of their masters and created their own distinct dialects. African life changed into a Native American form. Western culture were egocentric and intolerant to African music and it's creating system.  

       The Blue's/ Jazz are characterized by its rhythm and vocal scales.  This rhythmic qualities are attributed to the use of drums in African society as means of communication.  Aspects of African music consists of altering the pitch of certain words to shift it's meaning. It consists of a main singer and a choirs,  improvisation is implemented and lyrics of storytelling.   Western culture adopted instruments of African descent into their music. However their music lacks religious themes and emotions.  Instead their songs are shallow and self centered.  Thus, western music is the contrary of the Blues and Jazz. Westerners focus on the pitch, tone and timbre while African singing derives from the hard and deeper issues. 

       During the early nineteen century Negros converted into Christians. Religion was embedded into their culture.  Negros we more leaning towards the Baptist church. They believed in the river spirits and by being baptize they acquired power in a sense and we're cleansed of their sins. Christianity gave a sense of freedom to the African Americans.  The negro church was a church centered around emotion where music and dancing played  key roles. 

     The negro religious music was authentic.  Aside from being converted into Christians they held distinct beliefs that showed in their music and in the way they practice religion.  They incorporated their own culture into Christianity.  Negros went to church to be free, and eventually created a hierarchy system with social concerns and other attributes.  Disregard of emancipation, blacks were segregated and oppressed by organizations of whites such as the Ku Klux Klan, and other government laws.  The Blues originated in slavery,  this type of music reflected social hardships, and served as a constant reminder of their daily struggles and history.  With time, the structure of the Blues changed, it broke away from the classic structure.  The Blues were therapeutic,  they served as means of free expression and emotional outlets, and carried a message that all Negros related to. They were all restricted by the same boundaries.  

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