Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Dear Students,

I have an emergency and have to cancel class today. Please continue working at home on your rough drafts according to the steps I outlined for you on Monday. Your rough drafts are due next class, on 12/8. On that day, we will do a peer review exercise, which means you will be sharing your rough drafts with your fellow students in small groups. Please make sure to bring 5 hard copies of your drafts with you to class next week.

I've posted to the site 3 important documents for you to look at. Firstly, there is a handout describing what you need to do for your presentations. The handout also lists who will be presenting on what day. I've ordered it alphabetically. Note that some of you will be presenting next Wednesday (12/10), so it's important that you start preparing your presentations this weekend.

I've also posted an MLA style sheet and a sample MLA paper as references for you to look at while you're composing so that you can make sure you're formatting properly. Again, always refer to Purdue Owl, to check your formatting before you turn in your drafts.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.


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