Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dear Students,

On Monday there will be a substitute teacher who will come in to conduct a peer review exercise in response to your rough drafts. You’ll be turning in your rough drafts to him at the end of class. Bring four copies of your rough drafts with you to class on Monday. Please make sure that you arrive to class on time because when students come in late, group work becomes very difficult.

As you're composing your drafts over the weekend, make sure to include a thesis sentence even if you don’t plan to write an introduction until later. In this case, you can simply state your intended thesis sentence at the top of the first page of your draft.

Please note that even though you’re only turning in four pages, you must follow all of the MLA specifications listed on the style sheet and other documents I’ve given you. Before class on Monday, read through the style sheet closely, in order to make sure that you’ve fulfilled the requirements stated there. The only part of the style sheet to disregard for now is the requirement that your paper include an introduction, body and conclusion—we haven’t gotten there yet.

I will see you on Wednesday for the first day of student presentations.

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